Seeds Of $uccess
A blog about building within our community and creating generational wealth.
CEO Speaker Jermaine
Jermaine created New B.L.K. Wallstreet, a comprehensive three facet organization, for the purpose of enhancing the Black community through “Business, Leadership & Knowledge”. It includes an investment group, a non-profit organization, and a business development facet. New B.L.K. Wallsteet has created many positive business relations, such as: two business mixers, change your bank day, male mentoring programs and has been featured on numerous radio stations nation wide.
New B.L.K. Wall Street
A Los Angeles based non-profit founded in September of 2016 by Speaker Jermaine & Mahiri Hoilett. We believe that M.O.N.E.Y. " My Own Natural Energy Yield" is the key to financial freedom and generational wealth.
Our Goal
To empower the Black community through Business, Leadership & Knowledge. We are a non-profit organization building ties and businesses around the country in a valiant attempt to recreate the long lost Black Wall Street of Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Email: newblkwst@gmail.com